How to Prepare your Pool for a Storm

Bad weather will not only ruin your mood, it can lead to debris, dirt and other pollutants ending up in your pool. If a storm is brewing – don’t fret – we’ve got you covered when it comes to protecting and preparing your pool.

The Calm Before the Storm

Keep your water levels up. In a storm, it might seem silly to keep your pool full, but the weight of the water helps to keep the sides and bottom in place. An empty pool can experience serious structural problems, even lifting from its foundations. The water in your pool also protects its structure from flying debris.

The same is true for above-ground pools. Keep them filled up, so it keeps its shape and remains grounded – preventing it from flying away!

If you’re still worried about overflow damage, lower the water level by 5-8cm and close your skimmer.

Shut up Shop

So it doesn’t end in tears, pack away unsecured items surrounding your pool. In a safe place, house outdoor furniture, pool equipment, solar covers, toys and pot plants. Flying furniture can cause costly damage!

Don’t Get a Shock

Turn all electrical power off at the circuit before the storm hits. This will prevent damage to your pool’s electrical components and a nasty bill. If the weather is looking extreme, make sure to disconnect your pump motor and secure it with a tarp.

Treat it Right

To speed up the clean-up, add extra chlorine, balancer, and algaecide to your pool water. This will help to combat an increased level of pollutants in the water. We recommend using BioGuard MSA Extreme. It’s powerful enough to kill all types of algae in swimming pools.


The Clouds Have Parted

When the storm passes and it’s safe to go outside, check your pool equipment for damage before turning the power back on. Fix any damage as soon as possible to prevent long-term consequences. Be sure to contact a professional for any electrical issues.

Then, clean your pool and pump strainer of dirt and debris using your pool rake and skimmer. Vacuum your pool and run the pump and filter.

To stop any nasties, balance your pool water. We recommend pH levels sit at 7.2 – 7.8 (7.0 – 7.2 in fiberglass pools) and total alkalinity sits at 100 – 150 ppm. Test your water with BioLab 6 in 1 Test Kit or take a sample to your local BioGuard Approved Retailer.

Finally, shock your pool to fight off any contaminants that the rain may have brought into your pool. Use BioGuard Lite, or for those with a salt pool, BioGuard Salt Pool Sparkle, to get your pool water sparkly clean.

Following these tips will mean you’re sorted when the weather turns. Saving you precious time and money!

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Protect your pool from bad weather

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